ÉVO Formation & Consulting offers some face-to-face and remote training. It includes business creation, business management and invoicing. These trainings are carried out by trainers who are experts in their fields. This expertise will allow learners to benefit from their acquired knowledge.
Face-to-face training allows learners to exchange and meet other people. Thus, everyone shares their experiences and the exchanges are instantaneous. This format captures the attention of learners and creates emulation.
Our catalog
100% Expertise
ÉVO Formation & Consulting offers face-to-face or remote training by trainers with expertise in their field.
100% Funded
EVO Training & Consulting helps you in your efforts to access vocational training thanks to the financing offered by the various skills operators and/or CPF rights.
100% State Certified
ÉVO Formation & Consulting is Qualiopi certified, certification of organizations providing actions contributing to the development of skills, referred to in article l. 6351-1 of the Labor Code.
100% Accompanied and coached
EVO Training & Consulting accompanies you throughout your training by offering you regular monitoring and coaching. You will no longer have any excuse not to train.