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Everything you need to know about the professional interview

On a regular basis, the employer and the employee take stock of their relationship. There are two types of interview: the annual interview and the professional interview. The annual interview is not compulsory, but the professional interview is. The latter are divided into two: the professional interview, which is held every two years, and the specific professional interview, which is held every six years.

The compulsory professional interview every two years

The biennial professional interview is a mandatory meeting between the employee and the employer. Depending on the collective agreement, this frequency may be different. This interview must be carried out following certain situations such as maternity leave, long-term sick leave, sabbatical leave or a trade union mandate. It applies to all companies and all employees. The employee must be informed of the existence of this interview as soon as he or she is hired. A mention in the employment contract is also recommended.

Unlike the annual interview, which is intended to assess the employee's professional skills and take stock of the work done during the year, the professional interview focuses on the future. The purpose of the interview is to study the employee's prospects for development, particularly in terms of training, and to provide information on the validation of acquired experience. It therefore allows the skills and professional aspirations of the employee to be identified and training or professionalization actions to be put in place. During this interview, the employee is informed about the activation of his or her personal training account (CPF), the contributions to his or her CPF that the employer is likely to finance and the professional development advice (CEP).

In terms of implementation, it is the employer who organises the interview and it is preferable to give the employee one month's notice before the interview. It is useful to give the employee the interview grid that the employer will use. A summary document must be produced and given to the employee at the end of the interview.

The in-depth professional interview every 6 years

This interview completes the professional interview. It can be carried out on the same day as the two-yearly interview but the two must be clearly distinguished. It must be carried out every 6 years of continuous presence of the employee. Like the two-yearly interview, it applies to all employees in all companies. Following the law on professional training of 5 March 2014, these in-depth interviews were to be carried out before 31 March 2020 for the first time, but following the health crisis, the deadline was postponed to 2021. This interview is specific because in addition to the objectives of the professional interview, a summary of the professional career is added. In fact, this makes it possible to check whether the employee has benefited from training (apart from compulsory training), acquired a certification through training or VAE or obtained a salary increase or promotion. In the event of failure to comply with these provisions, the employer will be sanctioned and will pay the sum of €3,000 into the CPF of each employee concerned.

In terms of implementation, it is up to the employer to organise the interview by gathering the documents enabling the employee's career path to be reviewed and the information on the employee's prospects to be identified. A document formalising the state of play will be drawn up and a copy given to the employee.

Employers therefore have obligations regarding professional interviews and can call on training organisations to train their employees.



ÉVO Formation & Consulting


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